Oversight of all Booster business, fundraising and activities, as well as liaison to school administration.
Maintains board minutes and official records of booster business, tracking membership and maintaining the membership list.
Maintains the Booster bank accounts, providing monthly reports of income and expenses, maintaining profit and loss statements and reconciling all online payment systems with the Booster bank account.
Maintains the Booster website and social media channels, coordinates member emails and helps with any marketing/flyers as needed.
Organizes fundraisers to assist the Boosters’ efforts to support the school. Includes merchandise sales, special events and fundraising drives. Oversees the annual holiday bonus drive and any efforts to support the Annual Teacher Fund.
Plans and organizes events and activities to support BASIS NE teachers, including stocking the teachers’ lounge, coordinating lunches, celebrating birthdays, etc.
Recruits and organizes volunteers to assist with Booster/school projects such as the book fair, festivals and carnivals, as well as general campus needs. Includes using online programs such as SignUp Genius or Parent Square to organize volunteer sign ups and tracking of volunteer support.
Represents families of students attending grades K-8 at the BASIS Northeast campus.